Can an Employer Make Me Shave My Beard? (What the Law Says)

Can an Employer Make Me Shave My Beard? (What the Law Says)

Your facial hair is finally a contender for beard-of-the-month status, but what happens if your employer wants you to give it the axe? Do you have a legal leg (or whisker) to stand on if you want to keep it? An employer can make you shave your beard to comply with their dress codes and…

Why Do Beards Smell? (Top 10 Reasons & How To Stop the Stink)

Why Do Beards Smell? (Top 10 Reasons & How To Stop the Stink)

Does it ever feel like the same off-putting smell is following you around? It may be reminiscent of onions, cheese, or even puke. If you’re not eating at an Italian restaurant and aren’t getting over a stomach virus, the smelly stalker could be lurking in your beard.  Beards can have a bad smell due to…

Should a Bald Man Grow a Beard? (Pros, Cons, and Popular Trends)

Should a Bald Man Grow a Beard? (Pros, Cons, and Popular Trends)

Football and beer. Peanut butter and jelly. Bald heads and beards. There are just some things that go so well together it’s hard to imagine them apart. Should you consider growing a beard if you have a bald or balding head? Yes! An abundance of evidence is in your favor. Both scientific and anecdotal evidence…

How To Eat and Drink with a Mustache (10 Tips To Avoid Looking Gross!)

How To Eat and Drink with a Mustache (10 Tips To Avoid Looking Gross!)

Some struggles are real and persist through the ages. Drinking with a mustache is no exception. Men have been dealing with the “beverage in beard” issue since the beginning of time. Is there a way to avoid this unsightly dilemma? Yes, it is possible! There are strategic ways you can drink with a mustache that…

How To Kiss with a Mustache and Beard Without Getting Burned!

How To Kiss with a Mustache and Beard Without Getting Burned!

Cupid launched his arrow, and it struck gold! There’s only one problem – you’ve developed quite the love affair with your facial hair but wonder if it’s going to get in the way of affection. Will your newfound love like it, or will she complain about ‘stache rash? Is there a way to keep both…

Beard Curls Under Your Chin? (Grooming, Training, and Styling Fixes!)

Beard Curls Under Your Chin? (Grooming, Training, and Styling Fixes!)

Your beard is growing out and looking good with one exception – what is up with all of the curls under your chin? Beard hairs curling under your chin are a common occurrence as short beard hairs tend to be curly. In this case, time will often straighten your beard out. Facial hair follicles come…

Why Does My Beard Look So Thin and Wispy? (Practical Styling Fixes)

Why Does My Beard Look So Thin and Wispy? (Practical Styling Fixes)

Not all facial hair is created equal. Some men have been blessed with full beards while some of us struggle with a thinner wispier growth. A variety of factors including genetics, age, and diet influence beard growth and appearance, all of which contribute to beards looking thick and full or thin and wispy. While some…

How To Get Your Beard To Lay Flat (Grooming, Training, and Styling!)

How To Get Your Beard To Lay Flat (Grooming, Training, and Styling!)

You’ve decided to grow a beard – congratulations! After two months of growth though, you’re beginning to doubt your decision. Instead of a uniform, straight beard, it’s a wild and hairy mess. Why are your beard hairs growing in all different directions? It is normal for beard hairs to stick out or grow in different…

Why Do Beards Grow in a Pattern? (Genetics, Hair Follicles, & More!)

Why Do Beards Grow in a Pattern? (Genetics, Hair Follicles, & More!)

If you’ve ever shaved your face (or head), you probably already have a pretty good idea of whether or not there are places where your hair grows differently than the rest or in a weird pattern. Why does this happen? Similar to head hair, facial hair has a growth pattern. While there are no studies…