My Mustache Grows Faster – or Slower – Than My Beard (Practical Tips!)

My Mustache Grows Faster – or Slower – Than My Beard (Practical Tips!)

One of the most annoying truths when cultivating presentable facial hair is realizing that whiskers never seem to grow evenly. Is there anything you can do to keep the beard and mustache in synch? Genetics, race, age, and nutrition all contribute to facial hair growth. If your mustache grows faster – or more slowly –…

Are Mustaches Creepy in 2023? (How To Wear One Well & Eliminate Creep)

Are Mustaches Creepy in 2023? (How To Wear One Well & Eliminate Creep)

The subject of mustaches can be polarizing. Some people love them, while others think they’re creepy. Where do we stand in 2023? Are mustaches creepy, or have they come back around to being on trend? Mustaches gained their creepy reputation after they fell out of style following their popularity in the 1970s and 80s. They…

Why Does Beard Hair Feel Different Than Head Hair? (Stiff & Wiry)
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Why Does Beard Hair Feel Different Than Head Hair? (Stiff & Wiry)

You have straight hair on your head, but your beard hair is stiff and wiry. How can this be? Why does beard hair feel different than the hair on your head? Beard hair feels different than head hair because it has its own shape and thickness. These structural differences in the follicle tend to make…

Should You Shave for an Interview in 2023? (6 Hire-Worthy Beard Tips)

Should You Shave for an Interview in 2023? (6 Hire-Worthy Beard Tips)

The past three years have brought many changes to the workplace, from job loss to an increase in remote work. Many men are changing jobs and preparing for interviews. Should you shave for an interview? Or must you part ways with your beloved beard? Do the same rules apply to Zoom interviews? Generally speaking, you…

White or Gray Hair in Your Beard or Mustache? (Why It’s Normal!)

White or Gray Hair in Your Beard or Mustache? (Why It’s Normal!)

You take a look in the mirror and notice a few lightly colored hairs mixed among the dark. Is this normal? Why am I seeing them so early? It is normal for white and gray hairs to appear in your beard or mustache starting as early as your twenties. Genetics is the primary factor in…

Can Beard Oil Cause Acne? (How To Properly Clean & Condition Hair)

Can Beard Oil Cause Acne? (How To Properly Clean & Condition Hair)

Using beard oil to soften and moisturize your beard is a great way to keep it looking clean and healthy. Knowing that some types of oils can make your acne worse and more difficult to deal with, is it okay to use beard oil if your skin is acne-prone? If you are someone with acne,…

Do Beards Get Thicker With Age? (Separating Facts and Myths)

Do Beards Get Thicker With Age? (Separating Facts and Myths)

We’ve all heard that shaving makes hair grow faster, but that myth has been busted. Do beards get thicker with age, or is that a myth as well? A beard will grow throughout a man’s lifetime but will never thicken much further than when it fully matures around age 30. The growth rate will fluctuate…

Do Beards Stop Growing (Understanding the Life Cycle of Facial Hair)

Do Beards Stop Growing (Understanding the Life Cycle of Facial Hair)

If you already have quite a long beard, but would prefer it to be longer, then you may be wondering if there is much room left for it to grow. Is there a limit to how long your beard can get? Beards never stop growing, but the hairs do eventually reach a terminal length –…

Post-Shave Depression (How To Handle Shaving Your Beard)

Post-Shave Depression (How To Handle Shaving Your Beard)

Shaving a beard can be a surprisingly emotional event for many men and some have even labeled these feelings post-shave depression. Is it normal for a man to be upset by shaving his beard? It is common for men to experience feelings of regret, doubt, or even mild depression after shaving their beard, as they…

Will Shaving Make Your Beard Grow Back Thicker? (Myth Vs Fact!)

Will Shaving Make Your Beard Grow Back Thicker? (Myth Vs Fact!)

It’s one of the most common old wives’ tales: your hair grows back thicker if you shave. Shaving your face is a great way to remove facial hair, but will it cause your beard or mustache to grow back thicker? Beards and other facial hair can seem to grow back thicker or darker after shaving…