Can Beard Wax Be Used on Hair? (4 Potential Problems)

Can Beard Wax Be Used on Hair? (4 Potential Problems)

Sometimes the number of various products marketed for hair care can get overwhelming, and even dubious. For example, does the average person really need different wax for their beard and for their hair? Can the difference really be that significant? Beard wax can be used for head hair, but it would likely be a poor…

What Is the Difference Between Beard Shampoo and Regular Shampoo?

What Is the Difference Between Beard Shampoo and Regular Shampoo?

All hair is not created equal and you need to treat the hair on your face differently from the hair on your head. You cannot kill two birds with one stone. Your beard shampoo and your regular shampoo need to be different – but what’s the real difference? The difference between a beard shampoo and…

Will A Beard Fill in Over Time? (4 Major Causes and Solutions)

Will A Beard Fill in Over Time? (4 Major Causes and Solutions)

You’re new to the facial hair club, but your beard doesn’t look quite like you envisioned. Some areas are thin, while other areas are full and lush. Are you destined for a future plagued by patchwork beard growth? Not necessarily.  A beard will likely fill in over time since different areas of your face can…

Does a Beard Make You Look More Masculine? (Physical and Social Cues)

Does a Beard Make You Look More Masculine? (Physical and Social Cues)

Beards seem to be everywhere. They are popular in American culture among the celebrity set, working class, and all population segments in between. What’s the appeal? Do beards make you look more masculine? Research says yes. A beard can make you look more masculine because facial hair is equated with manliness and virility. Facial hair…

How to Exfoliate Your Beard (And Why You Should)

How to Exfoliate Your Beard (And Why You Should)

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably sporting an awesome beard. And let’s face it, while most life circumstances improve dramatically for bearded men, there’s one nemesis we all encounter each morning with a proper amount of dread and horror. I’m talking about the feared “ingrown hair.” To rid ourselves of these evil, irritating insurgents,…

Do Beards Get Darker with Age (Will Puberty Make My Beard Darker?)

Do Beards Get Darker with Age (Will Puberty Make My Beard Darker?)

Your goal is to grow a thick, luscious beard, but all you ever seem to manage are practically invisible stragglers. Will your beard ever get darker? Beards do get darker with age – to a point. After puberty, the endocrine system produces more androgens, turning thin, fine hairs into mature hairs. The mature (or terminal)…