How Can I Grow a Thicker Mustache? [Top 5 Reasons It’s Thin or Patchy]

For as long as you’ve been told facial hair is a symbol of “manliness,” you’ve probably also heard that shaving frequently will make your mustache grow in thicker. It won’t. What will?

To grow a thicker mustache, you need a strong, healthy foundation, but there is no quick fix. To grow a thick mustache, you need to make sure you’re taking care of your overall health. You need to maintain a nutrient-rich diet, implement a consistent grooming routine, utilize some of the supplements available to you, and be patient. 

Keep reading to learn how to grow a mustache that is full and thick.

Why can’t I grow a thick mustache?

If you’re trying to grow a thick mustache and it’s just not working for you, there are several reasons you might be struggling.

Here’s a list of possible reasons your mustache isn’t as thick as you’d like:

  • Poor diet
  • Improper grooming
  • Genetics
  • Lack of supplements 
  • Impatience

Let’s take a look at each of these factors to see how they can affect the quality of your mustache.

Poor diet

A diet lacking in vitamins and nutrients can cause hair loss.

A poor diet can result in a weak-looking mustache. Your diet should consist of a healthy balance of nutrient-rich ingredients. Eggs, red meat and fish, spinach, and sweet potatoes are a great way to lay the foundation for a healthy body for your facial hair to build on. 

Here are the nutrients you can get from each of these foods:

  • Eggs – Eggs provide biotin and protein and both are essential for hair growth. Protein assists hair follicles in growth because they’re protein-based and biotin is crucial for the development of keratin.
  • Fish – Including fatty fish like herring, mackerel, or salmon in your diet will give you adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which some studies show stimulate hair growth. Fish is also another great source of protein and other vital nutrients.
  • Red Meat – Red meat is an excellent source of iron, and helps the red blood cells transport oxygen and nutrients all over the body to stimulate healing and growth. Avoid consuming too much processed red meat because it can lead to cancer and diabetes in some people.
  • Spinach – This leafy green has a ton of folate, vitamins A and C, and iron, all of which are essential for hair growth. It is also a plant-based source of iron to aid your red blood cells in oxygen transport throughout your body.
  • Sweet potatoes – These are rich in beta carotene which the body transforms into vitamin A which aids in controlling the amount of sebum your body makes. It encourages cell rejuvenation for healthier skin overall.

Improper grooming

Using the wrong products or the wrong equipment can prevent your mustache from growing or it can cause you to lose the hairs you do have.

Never use your head hair brush or comb on your mustache. That goes for scissors, shampoos, washes, and oils as well! Always use tools and products designed specifically for facial hair. 

Shampoos and conditioners made for the hair on your head are too harsh for your mustache. If you want to grow and maintain a healthy mustache, invest in a pair of facial hair scissors, a trimmer, a mustache brush and comb, and the corresponding oils. The scissors will give you a clean, trim, and the brush/comb and oil will keep everything neat and well-maintained.


Whether or not you will have a thick mustache is based on hormones and your genetic background. If the men in your family have a significant amount of facial hair, chances are you will too. However, there is no way to predict if you will or won’t have a decent mustache. 

You can’t change your genetic makeup. The best option is to take care of what you have.

But remember, there are no guarantees. Just know you will get what you are supposed to get, as much as you’re supposed to get when you’re supposed to get it. 

Lack of supplements

Everyone needs a little help sometimes.

Despite being more conscious about your diet, you may still be lacking in the nutrient department. Taking supplements like biotin, vitamin D and horsetail extract can help increase your chances of growing a healthy mustache.

Supplements that can help encourage hair growth include:

  • Biotin – A type of vitamin B that promotes keratin growth which is vital for hair, skin, and nail production.
  • Vitamin D – Helps to maintain a hormonal balance in your body encouraging testosterone growth which initiates facial hair growth.
  • Horsetail extract – This helpful herb has antioxidant qualities that enhance circulation and promote hair growth.

You should always consult your physician before adding any new supplements to your diet.


Stressing and pondering about your mustache won’t help the situation.

Sometimes you just have to wait for your mustache to grow in. Everyone’s hair grows at a different rate, so you will just have to wait patiently. 

While you’re waiting, make you eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. Make sure you groom your facial hair and let nature do its thing. 

How long does it take to grow a thick mustache?

Once you start trying to grow a mustache, you need to be patient and wait a few months to see how things are going to shake out.

Every person is different, and genetics, diet, and overall health will always play a role in your hair growth. But in most cases, if you give it about 2 or 3 months, you should have a healthy-looking mustache. 

You need to remember that all the factors previously discussed, your diet, your grooming habits, your genetic makeup,  and your diligence will help you grow a decent mustache.

How can I speed up my mustache growth?

There is no magic bullet that can accelerate the growth process of your mustache.

The best thing you can do is eat right, exercise, groom it, and get plenty of rest. There comes a time when you will have to embrace the genes your parents gave you and keep moving.

The best thing to remember is the healthier your body, skin, and overall health are, the better your chances of growing a healthy mustache.

How do I fix a mustache gap?

As your mustache grows in, you may notice a patch right below your nose (called the cupid’s bow) where the hair is sparse. If your cupid’s bow is larger, your “mustache gap” will be more pronounced. In other words, the larger your cupid’s bow the greater the gap.

A mustache gap is completely normal and nothing to be worried about. If you don’t want to look at it, there are ways to style your mustache to make it appear thicker.

Try these grooming tips to help hide your mustache gap:

  • Beard balm wax – A beard balm or wax will lay your mustache hairs down and soften them so they are easier to work with. You can use the wax to keep the hairs in place once you style them.
  • Beard dye or pen – A beard pencil or dye is specifically designed to be used to darken facial hair so it has the appearance of being full. The darker hair draws the attention away from a larger cupid’s bow.
  • Grow it out – If you have more mustache hair, it will look fuller and it will be easier to cover up the mustache gap and make it less noticeable. 
  • Go for a thinner mustache Trimming your mustache and going for a less bushy style can make your life easier. Not only will it be easier to maintain, but the thinner top will also make the more pronounced mustache gap appear natural. 

There is no quick fix to growing a thicker mustache. The best way to ensure a healthy mustache is to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, get plenty of rest, and groom your facial hair properly.

Worried about your mustache gap? Don’t be! If these 8 celebs can get away with it, so can you!

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