
Beardstache (How To Groom and Trim This Popular Style!)

Wings and beer. Tom Brady and Superbowl rings. Some things go so well together it’s hard to imagine one without the other. Enter the beardstache. Part beard, part ‘stache. An awesome combo.

A beardstache is a mustache and beard combination. This beard and mustache style is popular because of its versatility and attractiveness. The mustache is separated from the beard and is known for its fullness. The beard can range in length from light stubble to full.

Read on to learn what a beard stache is and how to grow one!

What is a beardstache?

A beard and a mustache walk into a bar and…out walks the beardstache. The perfect pairing of upper lip masculinity and beard style.

The beardstache is categorized as a full mustache plus a beard. The beard can be in varying lengths but should always be shorter than the mustache. This style is easy to individualize by adjusting the length of hair. A beardstache is quick and easy to grow but takes moderate maintenance to keep it looking sharp.

If you’re having trouble visualizing a beardstache think Henry Cavill in Mission Impossible: Fallout or Pierce Brosnan in The Son. Both have full ‘staches but varying beard lengths. Henry rocks the full stache plus stubble, while Brosnan has an impressive wide ‘mo and a full beard.

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While the term “beardstache” isn’t in the conventional dictionary yet, it marries two long-held facial hair trends that are easy to define. Beardstache namecalling is recent, but many men have sported one without calling it such. The popularity of heavy stubble in recent years, mixed with the trendiness of a mustache, paved the way for a new term in beard land.

As with most trends, individuals tend to make them their own. The beardstache was originally characterized by a full mustache and heavy stubble. Once the trend caught on, wearers played around with different beard lengths and mustache styles, yet two constants remain.

The mustache is always fuller than the beard, and the two are separated if only by a hair (pun intended).

How to grow a beardstache

You’ve made the popular decision to grow a beardstache. What’s next? 

Here are the steps to achieving a beardstache:

  • Grow out facial hair
  • Decide on a style
  • Trim to the desired length

To grow a beardstache, it is best to let your facial hair grow for at least two or three months without trimming. This allows you to make style decisions and begin sculpting to achieve the desired look.

Grow out facial hair

A dose of patience upfront will pay off big dividends in the end.

The best way to broach a beardstache is to let both the upper lip and lower facial hair grow simultaneously. After a couple of months, you’ll be able to see exactly what you have to work with. Growing your hair will help you identify issues that might affect your style choice.

Is your mustache growing slower or faster than your beard? There are some reasons for that!

Decide on a style

Remember, the hallmark of a true beardstache is that the mustache is fuller than the beard.

With this essential in mind, now it’s time to choose a style that fits your lifestyle and complements your facial shape.

It may take some experimentation to find your signature beardstache style.

Trim to the desired length

Once you decide on a style, it’s time to dust off your trimmer.

If stubble is your style of choice, you’ll trim down your beard until it meets your expectations. Use a mustache trimmer or a pair of scissors to trim up your ‘stache to complete your look.

Keep reading for tips on exactly how to trim your beardstache.

How to trim a beardstache

When your beardstache reaches an inch or two in length, it’s time to trim it up. This step is important because it defines your style.

To trim a beardstache, begin by brushing or combing out both your mustache and beard. Trim your beard to the desired length. Using a mustache trimmer, carefully trim your mustache into your chosen style. Make sure to leave some separation between your mustache and beard. Eliminate any stray hairs by scissor cutting.

Let’s check out all the steps to trimming your beardstache:

  1. Comb or brush
  2. Trim your beard
  3. Trim your mustache
  4. Separate the two
  5. Finish with scissors

Comb or brush

Before you begin trimming, it’s important to brush or comb out your mustache and beard.

This step helps to unravel any curls and assures you trim your beardstache evenly.

If you need help choosing the right tools for your facial hair, check out this article.

Trim your beard

You’ve already decided on your beardstache style. Now it’s time to trim up your beard to the target length.

If stubble is your aim, a 1, 2, or 3 guard setting is a great place to start. If a fuller beard is the goal, then try a 4 or 5 setting.

Err on the side of caution. Start slow and see how you like it. You can always go shorter.

Trim your mustache

Think of your mustache as the cherry on top of your beard style. This is where the style magic happens.

It’s best to use a trimmer, especially for the mustache, to avoid taking off too much hair. While the mustache needs to always be fuller than the beard, you can choose how dynamic the contrast is.

Separate the two

There should always be some degree of separation between the beard and mustache to meet the traditional requirements of a beardstache.

Your chosen style will dictate whether the separation is minuscule or wide.

You may also want to use a beard or mustache wax to accentuate the separation.

Finish with scissors

Since you don’t want to be too heavy-handed when trimming your ‘stache, it’s helpful to trim any renegade hairs with mustache scissors.

Proper beardstache maintenance and care

You’ve worked hard to grow and style your beardstache so now it’s time to protect your assets.

A proper beardstache needs regular maintenance and care. Keep it clean, coiffed, trimmed, and hydrated to ensure you’re putting your best face forward. If you choose a stylized mustache style, hold it in place with wax.

Let’s look at all the steps to maintaining your beardstache:

  • Clean
  • Coif
  • Trim
  • Hydrate
  • Style


Your beardstache is likely to turn heads. Make sure admirers are focusing on your impeccable beard style instead of your lunch remains.

Wash your beardstache on the regular to ensure it’s free from dirt, crumbs, and drink foam. 

Despite the aesthetic differences, cleaning your beardstache is pretty much the same as grooming a more reserved beard style.


To keep your ‘mo and beard groomed, don’t forget to brush and comb daily.

A comb is a great choice for your mustache and a longer beard. A brush is vital for short beards.

Coiffing your beardstache untangles and straightens wiry hairs and gets rid of dust and debris. It also distributes oils to maintain healthy, shiny hair.


Trimming on a regular basis is non-negotiable if you want to maintain a proper beardstache.

Depending on your style and hair growth rate, you’ll want to do this step at least once a week. You want your mustache to stand out, so keeping beard length in check will increase the contrast.

You also want to maintain clean lines around the cheek and neck area.


Facial hair has a tendency to dry out since it’s exposed to the elements. You don’t want dry, brittle hair to upstage your mug.

Keep it hydrated with beard oil or a moisturizing balm. 


The style step is important if you’ve decided on the handlebar or hipster ‘stache.

Keep those ends curled and in place with some mustache wax.

A true mustache wax tends to be less fragrant than beard wax which is a benefit since you’ll be sniffing your upper lip all day.

Best face shapes for a beardstache

Almost any guy can wear a beardstache successfully with a little tweaking here and there, but it is uber-flattering on a few face shapes.

The beardstache is especially compatible with square, oval, and triangular face shapes because it softens hard lines, adds definition, and creates balance.

Guys with these face shapes are mostly likely to look good with a beardstache:

  • Square – heavy stubble softens up a square jaw and a mustache balances out the face
  • Oval – any style looks good on you so be bold and creative
  • Triangular – a fuller beard will counteract a pointy chin and a full, wide mustache will bring the focus upward

Check out this article addressing facial hair and face shape for more tips on choosing the right style for your face.

Best beardstache styles

The beardstache is a bold party on the lip with understated classiness on the face.

The best beardstache styles to grow and maintain are the:

  • Chevron
  • Walrus
  • Handlebar/Hipster

These names refer specifically to the mustache style and can be used with beards in the light stubble to full beard range.


The chevron mustache is universally popular.

It is a full style characterized by a higher point in the middle. Magnum P.I. made the chevron cool. Hair stops right at the lipline. This mustache style goes well with light and heavy stubble plus it’s easy for most men to grow.

This video gives tips on how to trim up a perfect Chevron mustache.

The chevron complements almost every face shape too. 


The walrus is a more extreme take on the chevron ‘stache.

It’s bigger and bolder with the ‘mo hair covering the lips. Picture Sam Elliott or Nick Offerman with added stubble. If you don’t mind some ‘stache in your food or drink, this style is for you. Pair the walrus with stubble or a fuller beard. Increase the wow factor with a part down the middle.

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The walrus collaborates well with the “perfect” oval face shape.

Fun fact: Ever wonder why walruses have a mustache? Walruses grow whiskers, or vibrissae, so they can find food. These hairs function similarly to a cat’s whiskers. Oh, and they grow to be a foot long! That’s an impressive ‘mo!


If you really want to step out in beardstache style, the handlebar or hipster style is for you.

This style boasts a wide mustache that curls at the ends when some wax is added. The handlebar is slightly fuller and longer than the hipster, but the overall style is the same.

Pair this ‘stache with stubble or a goatee for a dynamic look. Big mustaches can make your chin appear smaller, so this is a winning choice for pointy triangular and diamond-shaped faces.

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