
Why Do I Bleed Every Time I Shave My Face? (Cuts, Nicks, & Irritation)

If you are someone who shaves regularly then you probably have experienced cutting yourself on accident and wondering what to do. If you cut yourself quite frequently such as after every shave, then there may be something you are doing wrong in your shaving routine that is causing this. 

Many shavers struggle with bleeding every time they shave their face due to improper technique, dull blades, poor-quality soap or cream, and lack of skin preparation before shaving. In relation to other parts of your body, the face also tends to bleed more heavily even from small nicks or cuts.

Sometimes bleeding is just a part of shaving, but it shouldn’t be happening so frequently that it starts to become a serious problem. If you take the proper steps before shaving then nicks, cuts, and irritation are often avoidable, and if this is happening to you, then the tips in this article will help you solve that problem! 

Why most shavers bleed from cuts and nicks after shaving

If you are experiencing a lot of cuts and nicks after shaving, then chances are you are doing something to make that happen without knowing it. In this section we will go over the reasons why people who shave can experience cuts and nicks and solutions to help prevent it from happening as much as possible. 

Most shavers bleed every time they shave their face because:

  • Improper skincare
  • Improper skin preparation before shaving
  • Improper shaving technique
  • Dull or poorly maintained razor and blade
  • You aren’t using the right razor for your skin type 

Improper skincare

Having healthy skin is important to get a fantastic shave every time, so make sure you are caring for your skin properly before you shave. Always start by washing and exfoliating your face before shaving to help clear away dead cells and grime that can clog up your pores after shaving.

Using a simple gentle cleanser such as this one on your skin as well as an exfoliation pad are great quick solutions to boost your skincare routine. These products are a personal preference of course, but I have found them to be incredibly useful in my skincare routine.  

After you have finished shaving, be sure to apply a small amount of moisturizer to your skin to prevent it from drying up too much. This simple moisturizing cream is a great recommendation that will help keep your skin healthy and looking good.

Another option for a moisturizer that I like to use is honey as it is a great natural moisturizer. Just be sure to rinse it off after a short period of time. 

Improper skin preparation before shaving

It is important to take some steps before shaving every time to get the best shaving experience possible. 

You want to make sure your face is adequately moisturized with water and the hair is softened up. The best way to do this is to always shave after a shower. Another way to do this is to apply a towel soaked with warm water to the part of the face where you are shaving for about one minute. 

After your face is wet, lightly dab a towel against it to dry it slightly, but not completely. This will help lock the moisture in before you start shaving. 

If your face still feels too dry after taking these steps, you can try using pre-shave oil before applying shaving cream to help lubricate the skin so the blade will glide over it easier. 

After your face is adequately moisturized, apply a generous amount of shaving cream. Using a shaving cream brush is a great way to help get the shaving cream deeper into the facial hair you want to cut which will help to prevent nicks and cuts. 

Improper shaving technique

Not using the proper technique while shaving is perhaps one of the main reasons people experience cuts and nicks after shaving every time. The technique can be a bit tricky to get down just right, and there may be a bit of a learning curve if you’re new to shaving. 

The most important aspects of proper shaving technique are shaving with the grain while doing short, gentle strokes, and letting the weight of the razor do the work for you. Longer strokes are more likely to result in more pressure being added which will certainly give you cuts. Try to shave with the fewest number of strokes possible and reapply shaving cream to the area if you want to go over it again. 

Use the least amount of pressure you possibly can, you should never be pushing the blade into the skin, and it should effortlessly glide over the skin and cut the hair. 

Understand which way the hair grows on your face to help properly shave with the grain. One way you can do this is to make a map of the grain of your beard. Shaving against the grain will surely give you cuts, nicks, and ingrown hairs easily. 

You aren’t maintaining your razor properly

Shaving razors can vary quite a bit, but any razor you are using will need to be properly maintained.

If you are using a safety razor this will mean swapping out the blade after about every five shaves. If you are using cartridge razors, then be sure to swap it out regularly as the chances of cutting yourself increases as you put more uses into it. Maintaining your razor blade can be a simple process. After using your razor, dip it in some alcohol to get rid of any bacteria. After drying, dip it into some mineral oil to help increase longevity.

This will help to keep the blade as sharp as possible for as long as possible. 

You aren’t using the right razor for your skin type 

It is important to pick a razor that’s right for your skin type as you may have more sensitive skin if you frequently experience cuts and nicks after shaving. 

Razors with multiple blades such as cartridge razors can cause irritation as there are more blades dragging across the skin. If you suffer from razor burn or have more sensitive skin, then a safety razor is a great option. 

Safety razors are great for people who often experience razor burn, nicks, cuts, and ingrown hairs. Unlike cartridge razors, safety razors cut the hair at skin level and only have one blade coming in contact with the skin, so irritation is greatly reduced. Many people find refuge from frequent cuts when they switch over to a safety razor, so it may be something to check out if you frequently experience these issues. 

How to quickly stop a bleed on your face after shaving

When your face starts to bleed while you’re shaving, it can sometimes be a bit of a hassle to get it to stop after you have finished. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this depending on how serious the cut is.

To quickly stop your face from bleeding after shaving, rinse your face thoroughly with cold water, then wet an alum stick or block and run it gently over the skin. Allow it to sit on the skin for 15 to 20 seconds then rinse off the residue with cold water. 

After using the alum block, your skin can become quite dry, so be sure to apply some moisturizing cream or a high-quality aftershave such as this one which is alcohol-free and will help to restore your face after it’s been cut and keep your skin as healthy as possible. 

If the cut on your face is more serious, then you should get a first aid kit and treat the wound that way. For smaller cuts and nicks, alum sticks and blocks are great solutions to stopping bleeding after shaving. Here are some recommendations for good deals on alum sticks and blocks:

Clubman Pinaud Styptic Pencil

This Clubman pencil is a popular option for an alum stick that is easy to use and is quite cheap. This pencil has everything you need to stop bleeding fast. It seals skin at the surface and helps prevent dirt and bacteria from getting beneath the skin and leading to infections.

Gentleman Jon Alum Block

If you are looking for something bigger that will last you a very long time, then look no further than this Gentleman Jon alum block. This block should last for months or even years depending on how frequently you need to use it. This block is great as a long-term solution to helping stop that pesky bleeding while shaving.

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