Witch Hazel Vs Aftershave (Use Either or Both for Shaving?)

Witch Hazel Vs Aftershave (Use Either or Both for Shaving?)

Witch hazel and aftershave are two common products applied after shaving. Is one of these products better than the other? Can you use both?   After shaving, apply witch hazel or aftershave to prevent razor burn. Witch hazel works as an anti-inflammatory and the alcohol-free versions can help reduce swelling. Aftershave is an alcohol-based antiseptic…

Is Witch Hazel Good for Razor Bumps? (Treatment and Prevention)

Is Witch Hazel Good for Razor Bumps? (Treatment and Prevention)

Razor bumps are an annoying and painful side effect of shaving when there is too much friction between the blade and the skin, or hairs become ingrown. Several products on the market tout their benefits as relief for razor bumps, but what about witch hazel? Is witch hazel good for razor bumps? Witch hazel is…