
Does Aftershave Help Prevent or Treat Razor Bumps or Burn?

Using an aftershave once you have finished shaving is a great way to help calm and cool the skin. The cooling hydration of the aftershave and the ingredients within it also help to reduce irritation caused by shaving so there is less chance of skin reacting negatively afterward. 

Aftershave can help prevent both razor bumps and razor burn by helping stop the spread of bacteria. The alcohol, moisturizing elements, and other ingredients hydrate, calm, and cool irritated post-shave skin. Reducing irritation and ensuring that skin is clean after the shave helps reduce the occurrence of razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and more.

Keep reading to learn the difference between razor bumps and razor burns, what causes each, and how aftershave can help to treat and prevent them from happening. 

Will aftershave help razor bumps and razor burn?

You may be wondering if aftershave will really help your skin, or if it will just be another added cost to your shaving tool kit. For most people, using aftershave is a great way to help heal and soothe the skin after shaving which can be a very skin-irritating process. 

Aftershave helps prevent razor bumps and razor burn for most people. The cooling and hydrating effects of an aftershave help calm the skin after it is irritated by the shave, which is important for reducing the chances of getting bumps and burns. 

Although for most people aftershave is a great tool to have, for others it may irritate the skin further depending on the ingredients within it. Many aftershaves are alcohol-based, and for some, this can dry out the skin and cause more irritation. This may be especially true for those who have acne-prone skin. 

When buying an aftershave, make sure to check the ingredients for alcohol if you know you have very dry or acne-prone skin. 

What does aftershave do?

If you ever noticed that your skin feels tight or prickly after shaving, this may be caused by a lack of moisture in the skin. The process of shaving can dry out the skin quite a bit, so using aftershave is an essential part of shaving. 

Aftershave helps to re-hydrate the skin after you’ve finished shaving and reduce irritation caused by the blade rubbing against it. 

Not only does using an aftershave help to hydrate the skin, but many of them contain ingredients like witch hazel, aloe, and moisturizers that help to further heal and make your skin look amazing. Aftershaves also typically contain antibacterial ingredients to help prevent infections from cuts and nicks. There are good aftershave options out there for everyone of all skin types and tones. 

If you shave with a razor, then you need an aftershave of some variety. Even if your skin is not prone to bumps, razor burn, or ingrown hairs – and especially if it is prone to those things – you’re going to need an aftershave.

What are the active ingredients in aftershave?

Aftershaves traditionally have antibacterial or antiseptic ingredients which help to fight off bacteria and reduce the chances of getting an infection from any nicks and cuts that may have happened while shaving. 

The antibacterial ingredients are usually isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, which can be harmful and drying for sensitive skin, but there are many alcohol-free aftershaves on the market as well.

Most of the time, alcohol-free aftershaves contain an ingredient called polyquaternium-10 which is also antibacterial.

What causes razor bumps?

Razor bumps can be quite a nuisance after shaving, and to properly understand how to prevent them, we must know what causes them. Let’s take a closer look at why razor bumps happen. 

Razor bumps are caused by hair strands curling back on themselves and growing into the skin. Since the process of shaving can be quite irritating to the skin, it’s somewhat common for men to get razor bumps on their faces after shaving. Keeping the hair soft, opening the pores, and moisturizing the skin are all necessary steps to prevent razor bumps and using and aftershave is a great way to do this. 

Razor bumps can result in irritation, pimples, and possibly scarring

Does aftershave help treat razor bumps?

Aftershave is great for helping treat razor bumps as the antibacterial and antiseptic ingredients kill bacteria that can result in bumps or pimples. 

Therefore, having an aftershave is an essential part of your tool kit as cuts and nicks are likely to happen at some point throughout your shaving journey. 

Can aftershave help prevent razor bumps?

Aftershave is great for helping prevent razor bumps.

If your main problem is razor bumps, then you may want to look into getting an aftershave lotion. Aftershave lotions are usually loaded with ingredients such as aloe vera, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, or vitamin E that help moisturize and calm any razor bumps. 

These essential ingredients help by reducing inflammation, keeping out harmful bacteria, and reducing swollen lumps that form around ingrown hairs and irritated skin post-shave. 

The best aftershave for treating and preventing razor bumps

In this section, we will go over a couple of recommendations of the best aftershaves for helping treat and prevent razor bumps.

The best aftershave for treating and preventing razor bumps are:

  • Bevel Shave Restoring Balm
  • Bump Patrol Maximum Strength Aftershave

Keep in mind that both of these recommendations are alcohol-free aftershaves as alcohol may further irritate razor bumps. 

Bevel Shave Restoring Balm

If you struggle with razor bumps and are looking for a great aftershave, then look no further than the Bevel Shave Restoring Balm. This balm contains ingredients like aloe vera, tea tree oil, witch hazel, shea butter, and more which help with inflammation while keeping your face soft and moisturized after shaving.

This aftershave is especially good for people with curly beard hairs or African Americans who have coarse, curly hair. These groups of people are far more likely to experience razor bumps as the curly hair curls back into the skin easily while shaving. 

This balm retails for around $15 for 2 fl oz.

Bump Patrol Aftershave Treatment

The Bump Patrol Aftershave Treatment is another great option for those who suffer from razor bumps after shaving.

This aftershave contains similar ingredients to the previous recommendation, but it is specifically targeted towards those with a razor bump problem. It contains ingredients such as vitamins A and C, lavender, rosemary, and shea oils all helping reduce inflammation and kill unwanted bacteria on the skin. 

At less than $8 for 2 oz of product, the original formula aftershave is perfect for daily use. Although they are a little more expensive, you can also get this aftershave in Sensitive and Maximum Strength formulas.

What causes razor burn?

Razor burn can be quite an uncomfortable experience after shaving and is quite common among men, especially African-American men where about 60% of them are likely to get razor burn after shaving. Much of the time, razor burn is caused by applying too much pressure on the razor against the skin, but there may be other reasons as well. 

Razor burn is caused when the skin is excessively irritated after shaving. This can be caused by several factors including too much pressure on the blade and a dull blade. If nothing is applied to help soothe the skin, then it may become more painful and uncomfortable.

If you frequently experience razor burn, then you may want to look into changing up your technique by using as little pressure on the blade as possible. Follow up with an aftershave that will help calm the skin. 

Does aftershave help treat razor burn?

If you have a razor burn, will applying aftershave make it better or worse?

Since aftershaves are usually loaded with important ingredients to help soothe skin such as tea tree oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera, they can be a great option for helping treat razor burn.

In fact, it’s an essential step in helping to keep your skin healthy after experiencing a razor burn. 

Can aftershave help prevent razor burn?

Although using aftershave can help with the healing process, it is not helpful in preventing it.

Since razor burn is usually caused by an error made while shaving, it is too late by the time you apply the aftershave. Most of the time, razor burn is caused by applying too much pressure on the razor during the shave. Too much pressure can result in the topmost layer of the skin being removed, which is why people experience a burning sensation with razor burn. 

The best way to combat this is to use as little amount of pressure on the razor as possible and always use a generous amount of shaving cream while shaving, then follow up with a calming aftershave. 

The best aftershave for treating and preventing razor burn

In this section, we will go over which aftershaves are best for treating razor burn.

For treating and preventing razor burn, try one of these aftershaves:

  • Bee Bald HEAL Post-Shave Healing Balm
  • MARLOWE No. 144 Post Shave Lotion for Men

These products are similar to the previous recommendations for razor bumps, as those products will also greatly help with soothing razor burn as well as bumps. 

Bee Bald HEAL Post-Shave Healing Balm

After experiencing razor burn, you’re going to want an aftershave that will help calm the skin as much as possible, and this Bee Bald balm is a great option for that.

This balm has ingredients such as aloe vera, honey, oats, and fruit extracts that help with inflammation and soothing angry skin. It is made from natural ingredients and botanicals which are great for helping restore a healthy, natural balance to the skin. 

This balm is a good choice for daily use as it is less than $8 for 2 fl oz.

MARLOWE. No. 144 Post Shave Lotion for Men

The MARLOWE aftershave lotion is all about reducing irritation and calming razor burn.

It contains fruit extracts, green tea, willow bark, and algae which all help to calm irritation as much as possible. It also helps prevent outbreaks from razor bumps by neutralizing bacteria and reducing inflammation. 

The unique ingredients within this aftershave lotion are especially good for restoring and healing damaged and inflamed skin that may have experienced prolonged razor burn. 

While a tube of this post-shave lotion does cost a little more at $14, you get 6 oz rather than the typical 2 oz.

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